When I wake up wishing for you.

I wish my son and his wife could be here today. I wish my son-in-law didn’t have to spend this day wearing a badge, protecting our city. I wish we didn’t need him to.

 I wish all my brothers and sisters and in-laws and all of our extended families could be here, too. And friends from the past and present. I wish you were all here.

All those feet under my table. What a dream for Debi. Everybody laughing. Everybody eating. Everybody loving. Everybody helping.

I wish my dad was still alive. I miss his hugs and his jokes. And my brother-in-law and uncle. We lost them both a while back. What holes they left in our giant, happy love circle.

I wish my work family didn’t have to spend their Christmas’ saving lives. I wish there was no one sick needing them there.

I’m thankful to spend this day quietly with my husband, mother, daughter, and sweet Ruby Wren, but I woke up this morning wishing for my other loves to be here, too.

Then I thought of you … and my real wish for today is for all of you to have the peace of knowing this: No matter how you’re spending your Christmas, or who you’re with or not with, be encouraged.

This is an extraordinary day.

Jesus came to earth to fill a hole in us that many don’t even know is there. But, we all have it. Yes, we do.

And we all need him to fill it. He’s absolutely the only one who can. Believe me. Believe him.

And he does this because he loves us that much. Every blasted, stinkin’ one of us.

Regardless of our pasts, even with our foul mouths, and, yes, even those dark thoughts. He knows them all.

Yet he loves us, anyways. 

So, no matter if you’re missing someone today, and no matter what plans you may or may not have been a part of … you are definitely included in this one.

God has a plan for your life.

And nothing will ever, ever thwart it. Nothing.

Merry Christmas. I love you, and thanks for growing with me. ❤

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

6 thoughts on “When I wake up wishing for you.

  1. First year since I have been a Mother that I have not spent Christmas with all three of my children…..I have a son in law enforcement also…..duty calls….even at Christmas….Blessings and Prayers for each and every person serving….in any capacity!!!! The ache of missing family is real!!! The wonder of Christmas still remains!!! That babe in a manger is now our Lord and Savior…..He come that we might have life in spite of the aches and pains that comes with living!!! Merry Christmas and thank you for your words of encouragement this Christmas morning!!!

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